Body & mind balance – BodyTalk

A holistic approach to empower you on your health & well-being journey

By listening to your body’s priorities, BodyTalk sessions offer a gentle approach to improve what you need the most – whether it’s supporting you towards an emotionally challenging time, or helping to restore your body's health.

Relying on the body’s own natural healing mechanisms, each session is fully personalized, and starts from the history that is expressed in every scar, injury and discomfort. This approach focuses on the whole person, the imbalances and underlying causes rather than on the physical symptoms and problems, opening pathways for change at every level.

My wish is to empower you on your personal journey, discovering the amazing healing power of your own body and mind.
The sessions are gentle and ideal for any age. As a certified BodyTalk practitioner and with the support of other approaches, I will support you every step of the way to find your path to blossom.
Léna (learn more about me here)